Why aging and chronic disease starts at a cellular level

Why aging and chronic disease starts at a cellular level

From the age of 35, we start to experience a decline in mitochondrial function (one of the main biomarkers of aging and disease), in fact most people over 35 have mitochondrial dysfunction – accelerated aging, less energy, increased risk of chronic illness to name a few. Research is now linking mitochondrial dysfunction with nearly every disease of aging, from cognitive decline, heart disease and cancer. 

Your mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cell – they produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of your cells. They are in every cell of your body, but your brain and your heart are the two most energy demanding areas of your body and mitochondrial density is highest in these areas. 

How CoQ10 Works? 

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) production naturally declines as we age past about 35 years old — just when we truly need cellular protection and energy production. CoQ10 is an essential element for many daily functions. In fact, it’s required by every single cell in the body. It’s a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of aging. 

Sustains natural energy: 

  • CoQ10 plays a role in “mitochondrial ATP synthesis,” which is the conversion of raw energy from foods (carbohydrates and fats) into the form of energy that our cells use, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  • CoQ10 may even reduce fatigue related to exercise. Three separate double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in humans have shown improvements in exercise-related fatigue when supplemented with CoQ10.

Reduces free radical damage: 

  • As both a water- and fat-soluble antioxidant, CoQ10 has been found to inhibit lipid peroxidation, which occurs when cell membranes and low-density lipoproteins are exposed to oxidizing conditions that enter from outside the body.
  • In fact, when LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol is oxidized, CoQ10 is one of the first antioxidants used to help offset the effects. Within mitochondria, CoQ10 has been found to protect membrane proteins and DNA from the oxidative damage that accompanies lipid peroxidation and neutralize free radicals directly that contribute to nearly all age-related diseases (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disease, etc.).
  • One way this might be especially effective is found in a research study that discovered CoQ10 may help protect from some oxidative stress caused by insulin resistance and related to diabetes.

Can improve heart health and offset effects of statin drugs:

  • CoQ10 has strong potential for prevention and treatment of heart ailments. It does this due its ability to improve cellular bioenergetics, acting as an antioxidant and boosting free radical-scavenging abilities.
  • What we do know is that CoQ10 supplementation may be useful for those taking statins and for people with high cholesterol. That’s because of its cholesterol-lowering effects.
  • Coenzyme Q10 may help reduce LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels in some populations, including people with diabetes.
  • It may also lower side effects that statin medications can often cause, including fatigue. Statins are used to reduce an enzyme in the liver that not only decreases the production of cholesterol, but also further lowers the natural production of CoQ10.
  • It’s possible that CoQ10 can interact with lipid-lowering medications that inhibit the activity of HMG-CoA reductase, a critical enzyme in both cholesterol and coenzyme Q10 biosynthesis. A supplement of CoQ10 is often recommended to restore natural levels to their optimum marks and counter the effects of statin drugs, including muscle pain.
  • However, some evidence conflicts — as some reviews have found evidence is lacking to officially recommend CoQ10 supplementation for patients with statins.

Slows down effects of aging (including skin changes):

Mitochondrial ATP synthesis is an important function for maintaining a fast metabolism, strength of muscles, strong bones, youthful skin and healthy tissue and abnormal mitochondria can cause issues.

Although supplementing with CoQ10 has not been shown to increase the life span of animals that have been tested with it, researchers believe it can slow down the age-related increase in DNA damage that naturally affects us all. Possible anti-aging benefits of consuming more CoQ10 include:

  • Protection of the heart against stress-related aging.
  • Protection of skeletal muscle genetic structure to keep those muscles strong, minimizing bone and joint injury risk.
  • Improved fertility during your 40’s by the reversal of egg degradation and increased production of ATP.
  • Increased activity of antioxidants catalase and glutathione to protect cell membranes throughout the body from free radical damage.
  • Reduced UV skin damage and signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles and loss of elasticity (when applied as topical cream and/or taken as a supplement). One randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study found that 150mg/day of CoQ10 limited deterioration of viscoelasticity, improved smoothness and reduced some visible signs of aging when taken for 12 weeks.

May protect cognitive health:

In those with cognitive impairments, such as Parkinson’s disease, increased oxidative stress in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra is thought to contribute to symptoms.

CoQ10 has been shown to offset decreases in activity of mitochondrial electron transport chains that affect nerve channels and brain function and studies show that people with cognitive disorders tend to have reduced levels of CoQ10 in their blood.

Could improve male infertility:

It’s possible CoQ10 can help improve fertility issues in men. In clinical trials, supplementation with CoQ10 significantly:

  • Improved sperm motility (movement)
  • Increased fertilization rates
  • Boosted sperm count (especially when combined with selenium)
  • Improved sperm morphology (size/form)
  • Increased antioxidants in seminal plasma
  • Aided in treatment of asthenozoospermia (diagnostically low sperm motility)
  • Improved symptoms of Peyronie’s disease (a serious male infertility disease)

Helps treat symptoms of fibromyalgia: 

Multiple clinical trials and case reports have found that CoQ10 may be a powerful natural method of treating fibromyalgia symptoms. In adults, the dosage was typically 300mg/day, while one study on juvenile fibromyalgia focused on a 100mg dose.

Improvements included:

  • reduction of overall pain symptoms
  • less headaches
  • reduction of fatigue/tiredness
  • restored mitochondrial function
  • reduced oxidative stress
  • improvement in cholesterol markers (in the juvenile study)

Learn more and purchase Natroceutics Co-Enzyme Q10 Advanced over here

Reference: Supplied by Natroceutics

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